












1x cursed shortsword 水晶剑(机翻是被诅咒的短刀个人觉得是这个名字) (Inventory 空手) 

1x bone sword hilt 骨制剑柄

1x cursed blade 水晶剑刃

1x cord 绳子

1x azurite sword 蓝铜矿剑 (Inventory 空手) 

1x sword hilt 木制剑柄

1x azurite blade 蓝铜矿剑刃

1x cord 绳子

1x golden sword 黄金剑 (Inventory 空手) 

1x golden blade 黄金剑刃

1x sword hilt 木制剑柄

1x cord 绳子

1x blowpipe 吹箭管 (Inventory 空手) 

1x sugarcane 甘蔗(看着像竹子的东西)

2x tribal feather 部落羽毛(黄绿红三色羽毛)

1x cord 绳子

1x tribal spear 部落长矛 (Inventory 空手) 

1x flint spear 燧石矛

2x tribal feather 部落羽毛

1x cord 绳子

5x blowdart 吹箭 (Inventory 空手) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

2x tribal feather 部落羽毛

1x rope 绳索 (Inventory 空手) 

5x cord 绳子

5x poison dart 毒吹箭 (Inventory 空手) 

5x blowdart 吹箭

1x venom sac 毒液囊

1x bone bow 骨制弓 (Inventory 空手) 

1x bone bow shaft 骨制弓架

1x bow string 弓弦

5x poison arrow 毒箭 (Inventory 空手) 

5x wood arrow 木箭

1x venom sac 毒液囊

5x web arrow 陷阱箭 (Inventory 空手) 

5x wood arrow 木箭

1x web 蜘蛛网

1x mason block 石器加工台 (Inventory 空手) 

1x chisel 凿子

1x hammer 锤子

4x rocks 岩石

1x campfire 篝火 (Inventory 空手) 

4x stick 树枝

1x flint 燧石

1x firepit 营火 (Inventory 空手) 

5x rocks 岩石

5x log 圆木

1x split coconut 切开的椰子 (Inventory 空手) 

1x coconut 椰子

1x open pineapple 切开的菠萝 (Inventory 空手) 

1x pineapple 菠萝

1x pineapple crown 菠萝头(种子) (Inventory 空手) 

1x pineapple 菠萝

1x fibers 藤条 (Inventory 空手) 

1x root 根

1x workbench 工作台 (Inventory 空手) 

5x log 圆木

1x cord 绳子

1x cord 绳子 (Inventory 空手) 

2x fibers 藤条

1x bandage 绷带 (Inventory 空手) 

2x fibers 藤条

2x torch(unlit) 火把(未点燃) (Inventory 空手) 

1x stick 树枝

1x resin 树脂

1x hammer 锤子 (Inventory 空手) 

1x stick 树枝

1x rocks 岩石

1x chisel 凿子 (Inventory 空手) 

1x stick 树枝

1x flint 燧石

1x oven 烤炉 (Inventory 空手) 

1x campfire 篝火

5x stone block 石砌块

1x simple rod 简易钓竿 (Inventory 空手) 

1x stick 树枝

1x cord 绳子

1x worm 蠕虫(其实就是蚯蚓)

1x wood bucket 木桶 (Inventory 空手) 

2x plank 木板

1x cord 绳子

2x grain 谷物种子 (Inventory 空手) 

1x wheat 小麦

2x carrot seeds 胡萝卜种 (Inventory 空手) 

1x carrot 胡萝卜

5x wood arrow 木箭 (Inventory 空手) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x flint 燧石

1x feather 羽毛(白色的)

1x machete 弯刀(砍灌木丛的) (Inventory 空手) 

1x iron blade 铁制剑刃

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x iron sword 铁剑 (Inventory 空手) 

1x sword hilt 木制剑柄

1x iron blade 铁制剑刃

1x wooden sword 木剑 (Inventory 空手) 

2x stick 树枝

1x cord 绳子

1x flint spear 燧石矛 (Inventory 空手) 

2x stick 树枝

1x cord 绳子

1x flint 燧石

1x bow 弓 (Inventory 空手) 

1x bow shaft 木制弓架

1x bow string 弓弦

1x copper sword 铜剑 (Inventory 空手) 

1x copper blade 铜剑刃

1x sword hilt 木制剑柄

1x bow string 弓弦 (Inventory 空手) 

1x cord 绳子

1x resin 树脂

1x dirt wall 泥土墙 (Inventory 空手) 

2x dirt 泥土

1x basket 篮子 (Inventory 空手) 

3x stick 树枝

1x cord 绳子

1x crude box 树皮箱 (Inventory 空手) 

3x bark 树皮

1x cord 绳子

1x sugar 糖 (Inventory 空手) 

1x sugarcane 甘蔗

1x book 书 (Inventory 空手) 

3x paper 纸

1x resin 树脂

1x tanning rack 制皮架 (Inventory 空手) 

5x refined stick 精制木棒

1x cord 绳子

1x tomato seeds 番茄种 (Inventory 空手) 

1x tomato 番茄

1x dough 面团 (Inventory 空手) 

3x flour 面粉

1x kitchen 烹饪台 (Inventory 空手) 

1x workbench 工作台

1x rolling pin 擀面杖

1x cleaver 切肉刀(就是菜刀)

1x skull 头骨 (Inventory 空手) 

5x bone 骨头

1x cooking cauldron 烹饪大锅 (Inventory 空手) 

1x cauldron 铁锅

1x campfire 篝火

1x water 水

1x gem cutting bench 宝石切割台 (Inventory 空手) 

1x glass lens 玻璃镜片

1x chisel 凿子

1x workbench 工作台

1x alchemy table 炼金术台 (Inventory 空手) 

1x workbench 工作台

1x mortar 石臼

1x flask 烧瓶

1x fibers 藤条 (Inventory 空手) 

1x bark 树皮

1x lathe 车床(加工木头的) (Inventory 空手) 

1x workbench 工作台

1x chisel 凿子

1x spinning wheel 纺织车 (Inventory 空手) 

1x wooden wheel 木制轮子

1x cord 绳子

1x workbench 工作台

1x forge 熔炼炉 (Inventory 空手) 

10x rocks 岩石

4x coal 煤炭

1x hedge 树丛篱笆 (Inventory 空手) 

3x leaves 树叶

1x iron spear 铁矛 (Inventory 空手) 

1x iron spearhead 铁制矛头

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x cord 绳子

2x cloth bandage 布绷带 (Inventory 空手) 

1x fabric 棉布

1x shell helm 贝壳帽子 (Inventory 空手) 

8x shell 贝壳

1x cord 绳子

1x holy water 圣水(不知道干哈的) (Inventory 空手) 

1x flask 烧瓶

1x water 水

1x gold ingot 金锭

1x firefly in jar 萤火虫瓶 (Inventory 空手) 

1x flask 烧瓶

1x firefly 萤火虫

1x tiki mask 提基面具(部落面具) (Inventory 空手) 

1x wood mask 木制面具

5x tribal feather 部落羽毛

1x stone axe 石斧 (Inventory 空手) 

2x sharp stone 锋利的石头

1x stick 树枝

1x cord 绳子

1x stone pickaxe 石镐 (Inventory 空手) 

3x sharp stone 锋利的石头

1x stick 树枝

1x cord 绳子

1x stone hoe 石锄头 (Inventory 空手) 

2x sharp stone 锋利的石头

1x stick 树枝

1x cord 绳子

1x stone shovel 石铲子 (Inventory 空手) 

2x sharp stone 锋利的石头

1x stick 树枝

1x cord 绳子

1x cord 绳子 (Inventory 空手) 

3x web 蜘蛛网

1x sapphire iron ring 蓝宝石戒指 (Inventory 空手) 

1x iron ring 铁质指环

1x cut sapphire 蓝宝石

1x flint axe 燧石斧 (Inventory 空手) 

1x stick 树枝

1x flint 燧石

1x cord 绳子

1x flint hoe 燧石锄头 (Inventory 空手) 

1x stick 树枝

2x flint 燧石

1x cord 绳子

1x flint shovel 燧石铲子 (Inventory 空手) 

1x stick 树枝

1x flint 燧石

1x cord 绳子

1x flint pickaxe 燧石镐 (Inventory 空手) 

1x stick 树枝

2x flint 燧石

1x cord 绳子



1x roast berries 烤浆果 (Campfire 篝火) 

1x berries 浆果

1x torch 火把 (Campfire 篝火) 

1x torch(unlit) 火把(未点燃)

1x chicken 烤鸡 (Campfire 篝火) 

1x raw chicken 生鸡肉

1x cooked meat 烤肉 (Campfire 篝火) 

1x raw meat 生肉

1x cooked mushroom 烤蘑菇 (Campfire 篝火) 

1x mushroom 蘑菇

1x coal 煤炭 (Campfire 篝火) 

3x log 圆木

1x roast carrot 烤胡萝卜 (Campfire 篝火) 

1x carrot 胡萝卜

1x cooked snapper 烤鲷鱼 (Campfire 篝火) 

1x snapper 鲷鱼(鱼身蓝灰色 鱼尾黄绿色)

1x cooked soldierfish 烤鳂鱼 (Campfire 篝火) 

1x soldierfish 鳂鱼(全身咖啡色)

1x cooked surgeonfish 烤刺尾鱼 (Campfire 篝火) 

1x surgeonfish 刺尾鱼(鱼身淡蓝色 鱼尾黄绿色)

1x cooked butterflyfish 烤蝴蝶鱼 (Campfire 篝火) 

1x butterflyfish 蝴蝶鱼(全身咖啡色白色条纹)

1x cooked angelfish 烤天使鱼 (Campfire 篝火) 

1x angelfish 天使鱼(全身灰白条纹)

1x cooked yellow tang 烤黄高鳍刺尾鱼 (Campfire 篝火) 

1x yellow tang 黄高鳍刺尾鱼(全身金黄色)

1x cooked doctorfish 烤医生鱼 (Campfire 篝火) 

1x doctorfish 医生鱼(全身淡蓝色)

1x cooked bat wing 烤蝙蝠翅膀 (Campfire 篝火) 

1x bat wing 蝙蝠翅膀

1x spider meat 烤蜘蛛肉 (Campfire 篝火) 

1x raw spider meat 生蜘蛛肉

2x fire arrow 火焰箭 (Campfire 篝火) 

2x wood arrow 木箭

1x resin 树脂

1x sand block 砂砌块(貌似还不能做) (Inventory 空手) 

3x sand 砂子

1x iron ingot 铁锭 (Forge 熔炼炉) 

2x iron ore 铁矿石

1x coal 煤炭

1x cursed ingot 水晶锭 (Forge 熔炼炉) 

2x cursed ore 水晶矿石

1x coal 煤炭

1x glass 玻璃 (Forge 熔炼炉) 

3x sand 砂子

1x flask 烧瓶 (Forge 熔炼炉) 

1x glass 玻璃

2x brick 砖块 (Forge 熔炼炉) 

1x clay 黏土

1x copper ingot 铜锭 (Forge 熔炼炉) 

2x copper ore 铜矿石

1x coal 煤炭

1x azurite ingot 蓝铜锭 (Forge 熔炼炉) 

2x azurite ore 蓝铜矿石

1x coal 煤炭

1x gold ingot 金锭 (Forge 熔炼炉) 

2x gold ore 金矿石

1x coal 煤炭

1x gold ring 金质指环 (Forge 熔炼炉) 

2x gold ingot 金锭

1x jewelry mould 首饰模具

1x anvil 铁砧 (Workbench 工作台) 

8x iron ingot 铁锭

1x hammer 锤子

1x tribal totem 部落图腾 (Workbench 工作台) 

3x stone block 石砌块

5x tribal feather 部落羽毛

2x fence 圆木栅栏 (Workbench 工作台) 

1x log 圆木

1x brick wall 砖墙 (Workbench 工作台) 

2x brick 砖块

1x chest 储物箱 (Workbench 工作台) 

6x plank 木板

1x iron ingot 铁锭

1x tackleBox 钓具盒 (Workbench 工作台) 

5x plank 木板

5x worm 蠕虫

1x mill 石磨 (Workbench 工作台) 

2x round stone 石制圆轮

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x chicken coop 鸡笼 (Workbench 工作台) 

10x plank 木板

3x leaves 树叶

3x egg 蛋

1x bow shaft 木制弓架 (Workbench 工作台) 

1x plank 木板

1x wood mask 木制面具 (Workbench 工作台) 

10x log 圆木

2x cord 绳子

1x skull helm 头骨头套 (Workbench 工作台) 

15x bone 骨头

1x bone club 骨头棒 (Workbench 工作台) 

10x bone 骨头

1x cord 绳子

1x small crate 小板条箱 (Workbench 工作台) 

4x plank 木板

1x cord 绳子

1x crate 板条箱 (Workbench 工作台) 

6x plank 木板

1x cord 绳子

4x stick fence 树枝篱笆 (Workbench 工作台) 

2x stick 树枝

1x cord 绳子

1x bookcase 书架 (Workbench 工作台) 

2x plank 木板

1x book 书

1x glass lens 玻璃镜片 (Workbench 工作台) 

3x glass 玻璃

1x iron ingot 铁锭

1x stairs 木制楼梯 (Workbench 工作台) 

10x plank 木板

1x bone anvil 骨砧 (Workbench 工作台) 

1x anvil 铁砧

4x soul orb 灵魂球(机翻还没见过是什么)

20x bone 骨头

1x iron stairs 铁制楼梯 (Workbench 工作台) 

1x stairs 木制楼梯

5x iron ingot 铁锭

1x gold stairs 黄金楼梯 (Workbench 工作台) 

1x stairs 木制楼梯

5x gold ingot 金锭

1x woodendoor 木门 (Workbench 工作台) 

2x wooden wall 木墙

5x copper arrow 铜箭 (Inventory 空手) 

5x wood arrow 木箭

1x copper ingot 铜锭

5x iron arrow 铁箭 (Inventory 空手) 

5x wood arrow 木箭

1x iron ingot 铁锭

5x gold arrow 黄金箭 (Inventory 空手) 

5x wood arrow 木箭

1x gold ingot 金锭

5x azurite arrow 蓝铜箭 (Inventory 空手) 

5x wood arrow 木箭

1x azurite ingot 蓝铜锭

1x iron plate 铁板 (Anvil 铁砧) 

3x iron ingot 铁锭

1x gold plate 黄金板 (Anvil 铁砧) 

3x gold ingot 金锭

1x golden crown 金色王冠 (Anvil 铁砧) 

6x gold ingot 金锭

1x golden winged helm 金色翅膀头套 (Anvil 铁砧) 

6x gold ingot 金锭

1x azurite helm 蓝铜头套 (Anvil 铁砧) 

6x azurite ingot 蓝铜锭

1x cursed helm 水晶头套 (Anvil 铁砧) 

6x cursed ingot 水晶锭

10x bone 骨头

1x azurite blade 蓝铜矿剑刃 (Anvil 铁砧) 

4x azurite ingot 蓝铜锭

1x iron fishing rod 铁鱼竿 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x simple rod 简易钓竿

1x iron ingot 铁锭

1x azurite axe 蓝铜斧 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

4x azurite ingot 蓝铜锭

1x cord 绳子

1x azurite pick 蓝铜镐 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

4x azurite ingot 蓝铜锭

1x cord 绳子

1x azurite shovel 蓝铜铲子 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

4x azurite ingot 蓝铜锭

1x cord 绳子

1x azurite hoe 蓝铜锄头 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

3x azurite ingot 蓝铜锭

1x cord 绳子

1x golden axe 黄金斧 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

4x gold ingot 金锭

1x cord 绳子

1x golden pick 黄金镐 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

4x gold ingot 金锭

1x cord 绳子

1x golden shovel 黄金铲子 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

4x gold ingot 金锭

1x cord 绳子

1x golden hoe 黄金锄头 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

3x gold ingot 金锭

1x cord 绳子

1x iron axe 铁斧 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

3x iron ingot 铁锭

1x cord 绳子

1x iron pickaxe 铁镐 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

3x iron ingot 铁锭

1x cord 绳子

1x iron shovel 铁铲子 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

3x iron ingot 铁锭

1x cord 绳子

1x iron hoe 铁锄头 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

2x iron ingot 铁锭

1x cord 绳子

1x copper axe 铜斧 (Anvil 铁砧) 

3x copper ingot 铜锭

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x cord 绳子

1x copper pick (Anvil 铁砧) 

3x copper ingot 铜锭

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x cord 绳子

1x copper shovel 铜铲子 (Anvil 铁砧) 

3x copper ingot 铜锭

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x cord 绳子

1x copper hoe 铜锄头 (Anvil 铁砧) 

2x copper ingot 铜锭

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x cord 绳子

1x iron helm 铁头套 (Anvil 铁砧) 

8x iron ingot 铁锭

1x copper helm 铜头套 (Anvil 铁砧) 

10x copper ingot 铜锭



1x ring of poison 剧毒戒指 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x gold ring 金质指环

1x poison stone 毒液之石

1x ring of blood 血戒指 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x gold ring 金质指环

1x blood stone 血之石

1x iron blade 铁制剑刃 (Anvil 铁砧) 

4x iron ingot 铁锭

1x golden blade 黄金剑刃 (Anvil 铁砧) 

4x gold ingot 金锭

1x cursed blade 水晶剑刃 (Anvil 铁砧) 

4x cursed ingot 水晶锭

1x iron spearhead 铁制矛头 (Anvil 铁砧) 

2x iron ingot 铁锭

1x cursed axe 水晶斧 (Anvil 铁砧) 

3x cursed ingot 水晶锭

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x cord 绳子

1x cursed pick 水晶镐 (Anvil 铁砧) 

4x cursed ingot 水晶锭

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x cord 绳子

1x cursed shovel 水晶铲子 (Anvil 铁砧) 

3x cursed ingot 水晶锭

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x cord 绳子

1x cursed hoe 水晶锄头 (Anvil 铁砧) 

3x cursed ingot 水晶锭

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x cord 绳子

Recipes (cont.)

1x spider helm 蛛丝头套 (Anvil 铁砧) 

20x web 蜘蛛网

15x spider fang 蜘蛛牙齿

1x spider staff 蜘蛛法杖 (Anvil 铁砧) 

15x web 蜘蛛网

15x spider fang 蜘蛛牙齿

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x copper blade 铜剑刃 (Anvil 铁砧) 

3x copper ingot 铜锭

1x cauldron 铁锅 (Anvil 铁砧) 

5x iron ingot 铁锭

1x cleaver 切肉刀 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x iron ingot 铁锭

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x sapphire staff 蓝宝石法杖 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x cord 绳子

3x cut sapphire 蓝宝石

1x ruby staff 红宝石法杖 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x cord 绳子

3x cut ruby 红宝石

1x emerald staff 翡翠法杖 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x cord 绳子

3x cut emerald 翡翠

1x amber staff 琥珀法杖 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x refined stick 精制木棒

1x cord 绳子

3x cut amber 琥珀

1x spider sword 蜘蛛剑 (Anvil 铁砧) 

1x sword hilt 木制剑柄

12x web 蜘蛛网

10x spider fang 蜘蛛牙齿

1x ironboots 铁鞋 (Anvil 铁砧) 

3x iron ingot 铁锭

1x boots 鞋

1x refined stick 精制木棒 (Lathe 车床) 

1x stick 树枝

2x plank 木板 (Lathe 车床) 

1x log 圆木

1x wooden wall 木墙 (Lathe 车床) 

1x plank 木板

3x wooden floor 木质地板 (Lathe 车床) 

1x plank 木板

1x sword hilt 木制剑柄 (Lathe 车床) 

2x refined stick 精制木棒

2x refined stick 精制木棒 (Lathe 车床) 

1x plank 木板

1x wooden wheel 木制轮子 (Lathe 车床) 

2x log 圆木

2x stick 树枝 (Lathe 车床) 

1x log 圆木

1x rolling pin 擀面杖 (Lathe 车床) 

1x plank 木板

2x wooden bowl 木碗 (Lathe 车床) 

1x log 圆木

1x flour 面粉 (Mill 石磨) 

2x wheat 小麦

1x fibers 藤条 (Mill 石磨) 

1x sugarcane 甘蔗

1x bagasse 甘蔗渣 (Mill 石磨) 

1x sugarcane 甘蔗

1x paper 纸 (Mill 石磨) 

1x bagasse 甘蔗渣

1x bread 面包 (Oven 烤炉) 

1x dough 面团

1x jewelry mould 首饰模具 (Oven 烤炉) 

2x clay 黏土

4x pizza 披萨 (Oven 烤炉) 

1x rolled dough 面团饼

1x tomato puree 番茄酱

1x fabric 棉布 (Spinning Wheel 纺织车) 

1x wool 羊毛

1x fabric 棉布 (Spinning Wheel 纺织车) 

5x web 蜘蛛网

1x thread 线轴 (Spinning Wheel 纺织车) 

1x cord 绳子

3x cord 绳子 (Spinning Wheel 纺织车) 

1x wool 羊毛

1x leather helm 皮革头套 (Spinning Wheel 纺织车) 

4x leather 皮革

1x thread 线轴

1x hood 头巾 (Spinning Wheel 纺织车) 

4x fabric 棉布

1x thread 线轴

1x sack 袋子 (Spinning Wheel 纺织车) 

2x fabric 棉布

1x thread 线轴

1x angler hat 垂钓者帽子 (Spinning Wheel 纺织车) 

4x fabric 棉布

1x thread 线轴

1x woodsman hat 樵夫帽子 (Spinning Wheel 纺织车) 

4x fabric 棉布

1x thread 线轴

1x feather 羽毛

1x quiver 箭袋 (Spinning Wheel 纺织车) 

4x leather 皮革

1x thread 线轴

5x wood arrow 木箭

1x azure hood 天蓝色头巾 (Inventory 空手) 

4x fabric 棉布

3x cut sapphire 蓝宝石

1x thread 线轴

1x crimson hood 深红色头巾 (Inventory 空手) 

4x fabric 棉布

3x cut ruby 红宝石

1x thread 线轴

1x jade hood 翡翠色头巾 (Inventory 空手) 

4x fabric 棉布

3x cut emerald 翡翠

1x thread 线轴

1x amber hood 琥珀色头巾 (Inventory 空手) 

4x fabric 棉布

3x cut amber 琥珀

1x thread 线轴

1x round stone 石制圆轮 (Mason Block 石器加工台) 

3x rocks 岩石

3x gravel 砾石 (Mason Block 石器加工台) 

1x rocks 岩石

1x mortar 石臼 (Mason Block 石器加工台) 

3x rocks 岩石

1x stone wall 石墙 (Mason Block 石器加工台) 

1x stone block 石砌块

3x stone floor 石质地板 (Mason Block 石器加工台) 

1x stone block 石砌块

1x stone block 石砌块 (Mason Block 石器加工台) 

2x rocks 岩石

1x sharp stone 锋利的石头 (Mason Block 石器加工台) 

1x rocks 岩石

1x cut sapphire 蓝宝石 (Gemcutting Bench 宝石切割台) 

1x raw sapphire 蓝宝石原石

1x cut ruby 红宝石 (Gemcutting Bench 宝石切割台) 

1x raw ruby 红宝石原石

1x cut emerald 翡翠 (Gemcutting Bench 宝石切割台) 

1x raw emerald 翡翠原石

1x cut amber 琥珀 (Gemcutting Bench 宝石切割台) 

1x raw amber 琥珀原石

1x poison stone 毒液之石 (Gemcutting Bench 宝石切割台) 

1x cut emerald 翡翠

2x venom sac 毒液囊

1x blood stone 血之石 (Gemcutting Bench 宝石切割台) 

1x cut ruby 红宝石

2x potion of healing 生命药水

1x potion of healing 生命药水 (Alchemy Table 炼金术台) 

1x flask 烧瓶

1x mushroom 蘑菇

2x leaves 树叶

1x potion of healing 生命药水 (Alchemy Table 炼金术台) 

1x flask 烧瓶

1x glow shroom 发光蘑菇

2x leaves 树叶

1x potion of light 发光药水 (Alchemy Table 炼金术台) 

1x flask 烧瓶

2x glow bulb 发光的球茎

2x leaves 树叶

1x potion of energ 活力药水 (Alchemy Table 炼金术台) 

1x flask 烧瓶

1x sugar 糖

2x leaves 树叶

1x potion of speed 速度药水 (Alchemy Table 炼金术台) 

1x flask 烧瓶

2x feather 羽毛

2x leaves 树叶

1x poison elixir 毒药 (Alchemy Table 炼金术台) 

1x flask 烧瓶

1x venom sac 毒液囊

1x elixir of defence 防御药水 (Alchemy Table 炼金术台) 

1x flask 烧瓶

2x iron ore 铁矿石

1x stew 炖肉 (Cooking Cauldron 烹饪大锅) 

1x wooden bowl 木碗

1x carrot 胡萝卜

1x raw meat 生肉

1x leather 皮革 (Tanning Rack 制皮架) 

1x hide 兽皮

1x tomato puree 番茄酱 (Kitchen 烹饪台) 

3x tomato 番茄

1x rolled dough 面团饼 (Kitchen 烹饪台) 

1x dough 面团

1x bone ingot 骨锭 (Bone Anvil 骨砧) 

10x bone 骨头

1x soul orb 灵魂球

1x bone sword hilt 骨制剑柄 (Bone Anvil 骨砧) 

1x bone ingot 骨锭

1x bone bow shaft 骨制弓架 (Bone Anvil 骨砧) 

3x bone ingot 骨锭

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