可使用下列命令来安装 Optipng:
Debian/Ubuntu:$ sudo apt-get install optipng
Fedora:# yum install optipng
Archlinux:# pacman -S optipng
Optipng 是一个命令行的软件,此外有第三方利用该软件开发的图形化工具 Optipng-UI(只支持Windows)和 Punig
可以 man optipng 详细了解 Optipng 的优化参数。
值得一提的是,Optipng 也可以将其他图像格式 (如 bmp、gif、tiff) 转换成已优化的 PNG 图像。
* Upgraded libpng to version 1.4.5-optipng [private]
* Upgraded zlib to version 1.2.5-optipng [private]
!! Fixed the I/O states (in libpng 1.4.5);
they caused incorrect file reads in some rare cases.
(Thanks to [M*A*S*H] and Dmitry Marakasov for the report.)
!! Fixed processing of PNG files with chunks of size 0.
(Thanks to Matthew Fearnley for the report.)
! Fixed a display error in the TIFF import.
(Thanks to Piotr Bandurski for the fix.)
+ Improved checking of the arguments of -f, -zc, -zm and -zs.
- Removed quirks from the rangeset option argument syntax.
! Fixed a build issue under the system-supplied libpng-1.4.
(Thanks to Petr Gajdos for the fix.)
* Resolved forward-compatibility issues regarding libpng-1.5;
however, the system-supplied libpng-1.5 is not yet supported.
* Added various enhancements to the configure+make build system.
(Thanks in part to Elias Pipping and Dmitri Zubko.)